1. Welcome to our new "Events Portal".
2. Effect from June 2021, in this Events portal all ongoing and upcoming events can be registered.
3. Sign-Up once and then log in and view all applicable events for your child's age group and register for the same.
4. For Queries, please click the Contact Us link and submit your questions.
5. If you have forgotten your password, please click forgot your Forgot Password and reset your password.
New User(First Time to Portal/Not Signed Up earlier)
1. Click the Sign-Up link and fill in child's details and click the Register button.
2. Please enter a valid email address when registering. A temporary system-generated password will be sent to your email address.
3. After registering, go to Login Link and enter your email in username field and password sent to your email address in the password field.
4. Verify Captcha & Click the Login button.
5. On clicking login, you will be redirected to the update profile page. Please upload the child's image and Bio. Only after completing this, user can proceed further.
6. Click the event menu to view all events applicable to your child's Age group.
7. Click the Register button to register for an Event or the View button to view all details for the event and then register.
8. Once registered for an event, you will have an option to attach files.
9. You can attach your submissions at the earliest or before the last date.
Existing User(Already Registered in Events Portal)
1. Click on Login Link and enter your email in username field and password sent to your email address in the password field.
2. Verify Captcha & Click the Login button.
3. Click the event menu to view all events applicable to your child's Age group.
4. Click the Register button to register for an Event or the View button to view all details for the event and then register.
5. Once registered for an event, you will have an option to attach files.
6. You can attach your submissions at the earliest or before the last date.
We are an Education R&D Organization based on Cognitive Science. We deliver customized learning solutions to reorder & enhance cognitive performance.We think to understand, evaluate, reprogram human cognition. Currently, we define Standardized Processes to eliminate guesswork in childhood education & career planning.
We plan 30 different competition activities every month. Your child can perform, experiment & participate in all the activities from the comfort of your home. This keeps your child fresh, active & motivated.
Intellithon helps in developing talent, IQ, focus and creativity. It significantly improves reading, writing, communication skills, GK, positive thinking & self confidence.
Over 87000 parents use our platforms to build the true potential of their kids and to keep their kids away from bad effects of Tv/Mobile.